Wee Nuzzle and Wee Feeds: Transforming NICU Breastfeeding Outcomes

By the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:

  • State three benefits of Wee Nuzzle

  • Identify 3 developmentally appropriate activities that can be done with a 25 wk PMA infant, 3 others that can be done with a 32 wk PMA infant

  • Give 3 therapeutic techniques used to facilitate positive experiences with breast/bottle feedings

Continuing Education

2.0 L-CERPS & 2.0 Contact Hours

  • RN: BreastfeedLA is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing. This course offers 2.0 contact hours of continuing education. BreastfeedLA’s provider number is CEP 16435. Licensee must maintain certificate for a period of four years.

  • IBCLC: BreastfeedLA is an approved Long-Term Provider by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners #CLT113-36. 2.0 L- CERPs will be awarded.

  • RDs & OTs: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.

What to Expect

Webinar recording can be accessed through this course, please complete the evaluation to receive your certificate needed for continuing education.

    1. Watch the replay here

    2. Slides

    3. Family Bonding Developmental Pathway

    4. Milk Drops for Oral Enjoyment

    5. Wee Nuzzle Parent Flyer

    6. Wee Feeds

    7. Age Based Developmental Guidelines

    8. Next Steps

    1. Live or Recorded Attendance

    2. Webinar Evaluation

    3. Thank you!

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content