March 2022 Lactation Consultant Education Course
Join us for the second 50hr course required to sit for your IBCLC exam. This is an 8-week online class focused on clinical lactation assessment and skills.
Join us for the second 50 hour course required to sit for your IBCLC exam.
Following the didactic presentations and skills competency demonstrations, participants will:
Possess the necessary knowledge of how to perform comprehensive maternal, child, and feeding assessments related to lactation NOTE: Practice of hands-on clinical skills occurs during Lactation Specific Clinical Experience, not provided in this course.
Possess adequate knowledge to develop and implement an individualized feeding plan in consultation with the lactating person
Possess sufficient education to provide evidence-based information regarding the lactating person's use, during lactation, of medications (over-the-counter and prescription), alcohol, tobacco, and street drugs and their potential impact on milk production and child safety
Possess appropriate knowledge to provide holistic, evidence-based breast/chestfeeding support and care, from preconception to weaning, for lactating people and their families
Possess clinical judgment sufficient to provide evidence based-information regarding complementary therapies during lactation and their impact on a lactating person's milk production and the effect on their child
Possess the necessary skills to use the principle of family-centered care while maintaining a collaborative, supportive relationship with clients
Lactation Consultant Education Course prerequisites include:
Successful completion of a 45 hour lactation education training (i.e. CLE/C/S) within the last 5 years
A passion for elevating breast/chestfeeding as a public health strategy to improve disparities in health outcomes
The commitment to yourself and your community that you can do this!
Trust yourself. You're ready.
Registering Early? Use the coupon code "MAREARLYBIRD22" for additional $ off your purchase! Expires March 1, 2022
Regular price
3-Month Payment Plan
BreastfeedLA is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing. This course offers contact hours in continuing education will be offered. BreastfeedLA’s provider number is CEP 16435. Licensee must maintain certificate for a period of four years.