
In observance and celebration of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage month BreastfeedLA presents AANHPI Postpartum Practices & Budget-Friendly Recipes to Promote Lactation. This webinar will feature professional Chef Adrian Chang and licensed acupuncturist and herbalist Erin Wilkins. Together they will present Traditional AANHPI Recipes That Promote Lactation: Ingredients, Herbs, Preparation, Cooking, and Science teaching audience members how to prepare budget-friendly AANHPI recipes that promote lactation and explain the impact of ingredients on lactation. The list of ingredients will be sent to participants prior to the event - we encourage you to join us in cooking! After lunch, Stevie Merino will present Carrying The Pacific: Pacific Islander Postpartum Traditions bringing awareness to audience members of postpartum practices used by the Pacific Islander community. We will also hear A Physician's Perspective in which a physician from Kaiser Permanente will discuss lactation and postpartum practices within the AANHPI community from the lens of a physician. This event will close with Oketani – The Marvel of Japanese Breast Massage presented by Masayo Awano, Vice-President for the Oketani Lactation Society. Oketani breast massage is a common, pain-free practice in Japan. Benefits include increased milk production, reduced breast engorgement and improved infant suckling. This massage technique takes time learn. This presentation will offer some helpful hints for improved breastfeeding support. Please note that this presentation will not be recorded and can only be viewed during the live event.

Register Today

This is a live webinar which will be recorded and available for 3 years except for Oketani breast massage which will only be available live.


This webinar will feature 4 incredible presentations

  • 10am-12pm: Cooking Show! Traditional AANHPI Recipes That Promote Lactation: Ingredients, Herbs, Preparation, Cooking, & Science (Participatory Presentation) with Chef Adrian Chang & Erin Wilkins, MSAOM, L.Ac, RH(AHG)

  • 12pm-12:30pm: Lunch

  • 12:30pm-2:00pm: Carrying The Pacific: Pacific Islander Postpartum Traditions with Stevie Merino, CHamoru

  • 2:00pm-2:10pm: Break

  • 2:10pm-3:30pm: A Physicians Perspective with MD from Kaiser Permanente

  • 3:30pm-5:00pm: Oketani – The Marvel of Japanese Breast Massage with Masayo Awano, PhD, MA, RN, CNM, IBCLC, Oketani Method Certificate

  • ***Important Note: Oketani presentation will not be recorded. You must attend the live event to view this presentation.***

Continuing Education

  • RN: BreastfeedLA is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing. This course offers 7 contact hours of continuing education. BreastfeedLA’s provider number is CEP 16435. Licensee must maintain certificate for a period of four years.

  • IBCLC: BreastfeedLA is an approved Long-Term Provider by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners #CLT113-36. 6.5 L-CERPs will be awarded.

  • RDs & OTs: Maintain a copy of the agenda and certificate for CPEs for Professional Development Portfolio.